EVALUATION AND REFLECTION of Group Dynamics Introduction Group dynamics entails

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Group dynamics entails

Group dynamics entails the behavioral,
and psychological processes and attitudes that occur within a social group
context or across different groups. Group dynamics involves the structure,
formation processes, and nature of groups (Brown, 2019). Social groups
are groups formed by individuals with shared interests, values, ethnic or
social backgrounds. For 
instance, our group for the analytical assignment consists
of individuals with a shared purpose and obligations that are only attached to
the group members. A group can also be a 
social unit comprising two or more
people having a common set of values, beliefs, and norms and working together
to achieve a specific common goal or interest. Therefore, this essay seeks to 
examine reflection on the group process and dynamics.
Group dynamics are important for
understanding the decision-making patterns of our 
group. They are also
important for allowing the popularity of new ideas as well as techniques in the
group project.   There are three
important applications in the field of group dynamics and team cohesion such as
personal, leadership, and environmental
(Levi 2015).
A). A model of group development and
the stages of group development were observed in my group
According to Tuckman’s model, Bruce Tuckman 1965, proposed a framework that
outlines the typical progression of groups as they form, work together, and
eventually disband. 
These stages of group development are based on the process
of evolution of a group. Thus, 
these stages are the forming, storming, norming,
performing, and adjourning. Also, Group 
dynamics deal with the formation,
structure, and activities of a group such as the roles and interactions of a
group (Klug & Bagrow, 2016).  Therefore, effective leadership and 
understanding these stages can enhance group work and project outcomes in any 
Another model that was observed in my group is Jones’s model a model that
details aspects less commonly discussed by its contemporaries, Jones model  has 
similarities with other models 
nonetheless,  while being
independent enough to have its unique structure. There
are several aspects
unique  to  the model, 
including the  final  stage 
– team  synergy, 
make  it stand out as an extra
phase where excellence is considered part of the
normal development a team
should consider while experiencing its constituent processes
The forming stage is the first stage
where members come together due to a shared 
purpose. At this stage, the members
are showing a lack of concern for the group. At this 
stage, the members are
showing a lack of concern for the group. For example, the 
introduction of our
group members, sharing similar interests and goal objectives. Politeness and
quiet interactions.  This stage focuses
on establishing roles, responsibilities, and project goals. The duration varies
as our groups move through this stage quickly, while others take a few meetings
for this stage.
The second stage is the storming stage,
where members seek to interact with individuals who share the same interests
(Smeekes and Verkuyten, 2015). The formation of subgroups occurs at this stage.
During the storming, stage conflicts are possible to arise about the 
controlling of the group. For example, our group members assert our roles and 
responsibilities within the group project. The third stage is the norming stage
which is
marked by a serious concern about the purpose of the group. The
members of our group 
started introducing new members. However, developing group
cohesion, for example, agreement on processes and rules and improved
communication. Our group members align their efforts toward shared goals. The
group members started taking responsibility in our group 
since there was no
clear hierarchy.
The fourth stage is the performing
stage, where members become composed as a 
group and are involved in the group’s
tasks. According to Rusticus & Justus (2019), the 
authority plays its role
while the other members get attached to the group’s purpose. The 
group rules
and observes and members are expected to accomplish their roles. The group 
reaches peak productivity. Roles are well-defined, and trust is established.
For example, our group members worked seamlessly together.
The final stage adjourning stage Adjourning
(or Mourning): The group disbands, if the 
project is successful, there may be a
sense of accomplishment. However, if the group faced challenges or conflicts,
there might be a feeling of loss. Adjourning involves wrapping up 
celebrating achievements, and acknowledging the end of the group’s journey.  Hence, these stages are not always linear,
and groups may revisit them as they face new 
challenges. Effective leadership and
understanding these stages can enhance group work
and project success. For
example, reflection on our achievements and group completion.
B). Analyze the group dynamics that
you observed in your group (roles, norms, patterns of communication and
In our group project, I observed distinct roles
emerging, such as our group leader being one member who took charge, organized
discussions, and ensured progress. Our group members who were deemed the
contributors actively contributed ideas, research, and content to our group
project. We then had an editor or proof-reader, where everyone in our group 
reviewed and polished our group project. Our group was responsible for 
scheduling meetings and managing deadlines. Most of our group members supported
one another and tried to encourage group members and maintain morale as we
shared the 
same objectives. These roles helped distribute tasks efficiently and
fostered collaboration 
within our group.
addition, the norms and attitudes of a group can influence an individual’s behaviour.
Our group shared, positive norms and
active listening, we encouraged attentive listening
during discussions. We
engaged in respectful communication, politeness, and openness were valued and punctuality
for meetings and deadlines was expected. Once this pattern of behaviour is set
at our group formation, every member understands the standards of the 
group and
it eliminates major problems that may have occurred.
Our group structured regular virtual
meetings and facilitated discussions, which involved brainstorming sessions,
and collaborative idea generation. We debated Constructive 
disagreements led to
better solutions.
The functionality of our group was
harmonious, leveraging each member’s strengths and weaknesses and strengthening
the weaknesses. Once that was dealt with trust and openness allowed us to
navigate challenges effectively. We then ensured flexibility and adaptability 
for a smooth collaboration.
C). Identify a problem that
occurred during the group. Using your knowledge of group work, analyse the
factors that contributed to the development of this problem. Explain and
justify the strategy that you would have used to address the problem if you
were the group
worker attached to your group.
One of the major challenges our group
experienced was everyone meeting at the same time, since some of our classes
were clashing with our group meetings, it was sometimes 
difficult for everyone
to meet at the same time. Adapting norms were adjusted norms based on feedback
and our group’s needs. The challenge of coordinating meetings at
convenience and availability can hinder our group’s progress. The
difficulty in finding a
mutually convenient meeting time impacted the group’s
effectiveness hence we worked on a strategy that can overcome this challenge.
Therefore our group leader employed some
strategies to mitigate scheduling
difficulties, which included allocating
specific class time for group meetings. This ensures 
regular interaction and finding
a time suitable for everyone’s availability on specific days 
such as Thursdays,
Fridays, or Saturdays since no one has classes on these days.
then actively built communication and conflict-resolution skills within our
group, by
implementing these strategies, our group enhanced coordination, met
deadlines, and 
maintained motivation, ultimately improving overall productivity.
Hence, effective group 
work involves not only achieving the task but also
fostering collaboration and mutual 
understanding among members.
In summary, my group, our group tends
to operate more effectively when we had a clear set of rules, guidelines, and
leader.  Our group leader were
responsible for setting the 
group’s direction after critical analysis and
interpretation of members’ ideas. Additionally,
the rules control the functions
and activities of our group members.       
Our group function effectively we needed to be precise in understanding
and managing group dynamics that are essential for successful teamwork and
achieving collective goals for the group project. Our task-oriented
interactions, were during research and writing,
whereas collaborated closely,
shared resources, and clarified doubts. Everyone was
encouraged to share ideas
during brainstorming sessions and we maintained a positive tone and listened
actively.  We give constructive feedback
and critiqued each other’s work 
Also, we agreed to meet deadlines promptly.
Our group exhibited
flexibility in roles, adhered to positive norms, and maintained 
communication channels. These dynamics contributed to our successful 
collaboration. Reflecting on my existence as a group member, I experienced
dynamics and development because our group collaborated as a team and we
from one another supporting members and providing encouragement all
contributed to 
our successful collaboration. Overall,
your group’s dynamics fostered creativity, 
productivity, and cohesion.
Overall, our group dynamics fostered
collaboration, creativity, and productivity. By 
understanding and leveraging
these dynamics, we achieved a cohesive and successful 
group assignment. I must
say thanks to our group on a team effort.
Klug, M., & Bagrow, J. P. (2016). Understanding
the group dynamics and success of teams. Royal Society open science, 3(4),
160007. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.160007
Rusticus, S. A., & Justus, B. J. (2019). Comparing
student-and teacher-formed teams on group dynamics, satisfaction, and
performance. Small Group Research, 50(4), 443-457. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1046496419854520
Smeekes, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). The presence
of the past: Identity continuity and group dynamics. European Review of
Social Psychology, 26(1), 162-202. https://doi.org/10.1080/10463283.2015.1112653
B. W. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin,
63(6), 384-399. doi:10.1037/h0022100

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