Hypothesis: Transitioning to college and the subsequent academic, social, and en

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Hypothesis: Transitioning to college and the subsequent academic, social, and en

Hypothesis: Transitioning to college and the subsequent academic, social, and environmental stressors significantly impact the mental health of students, leading to increased rates of mental health issues and decreased overall well-being.
Instructions for Research Methods in Psychology proposal
You will write a full proposal on the topic of your choosing. Your suggested study must not be a correlation, but can be a true experiment or pseudo experiment. The paper will include a cover page, abstract, introduction, results, methods, discussion, references, and any necessary attachments (for example any questionnaires you suggest using). These instructions will include only some of the formatting requirements. For example, to set up the cover page please refer to your book or the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7thedition.
USE THE COMMENTS FROM YOUR PAST ASSIGNMENTS TO HELP YOU AS WELL! I expect this paper to show me all that you have learned from the writing component of this course.
Academic dishonesty/plagiarism:
Plagiarism is using any words, idea, or thoughts of someone else that is presented as your own.  You will base your papers on others work; however, it is critical that you give them credit for their ideas by citing appropriately. Furthermore, directly using a phrase from a paper, or even rearranging the words, is plagiarism, even when it is cited. Academic dishonesty/plagiarism will result in a grade of zero on the assignment and may result in a grade of EJ in the course, which is a failing grade that denotes academic misconduct.
• APA 7th edition
• Times New Roman
• 12-point font
• 1” margins
• No personal pronouns
• No quotes (I will not read quotes, it will be as if they do not exist)
• All information must be cited 
• All citations must be included in the references
• No abbreviations or acronyms
• No plagiarism of any kind (see above paragraph for additional details)
Cover page:
• Include a running header in APA 7th edition style
• Include page numbers
o Running header and page numbers must be in Times New Roman
• Title must be based on the topic of the paper
• Include your full name
• See your reference material for formatting requirements
• Contents of abstract
o 2ish sentences of background information
o 1 sentence on what is missing from the current literature
o 1 sentence on how the current study fills in that gap
o Hypothesis of study
o 2ish sentences on methods
o 2ish sentences on expected results
o 1 overall conclusion sentence on the study
• 1st paragraph – summary of background literature
• Need two related articles
• Same format as first writing assignment
o 1st sentence is topic of paragraph
o Summary of first article, include purpose, methods, and results
o Summary of second article, include purpose, methods, and results
o Last sentence is overall conclusion of paragraph
• 2nd paragraph – summary of background literature
o Same as paragraph 1, except on a slightly different aspect of the overall paper topic
• 3rd paragraph – summary of background literature
o Same as paragraph 1, except on a slightly different aspect of the overall paper topic
• 4th paragraph – summary of background literature
o Same as paragraph 1, except on a slightly different aspect of the overall paper topic
• 5th paragraph – Introduction to your proposed study
o Sentence 1: Overview of what is known on this topic (info presented in earlier paragraphs)
o Sentence 2: What knowledge is missing from the field
o Sentence 3: How your proposed study will fill in whatever is missing (specifically, it should fill in whatever you said was missing)
o Sentence 4: The hypothesis (make it clear to the reader, “The hypothesis is …”
o Sentence 5 (and maybe 6): what variables are compared (introduce the IV, levels, and DV here if those are included in the study design).
-Remember you are suggesting this proposal, therefore, when talking about the your proposal, it is written in the future tense
-This section will have four subheadings
• Where will participants be recruited from
• How will they be recruited
• Inclusion/exclusion requirements
• How compensated ​

• A run through of everything that will happen during the experiment including any instructions given.
• Have this be in chronological order.
• You need to have as much detail here as I required for the Lab 1 and Lab 2 manuscripts. This is where you are going to show me that you have really thought through the details of your proposal.
• Do not include any info here that should be instead included in the materials section.

• List each of the materials you plan to use (usually just questionnaires, but any technique you are suggesting that will be used)
• Each questionnaire gets its own paragraph.
• Include: the name of the questionnaire, what it is used to measure, details on how it measures the variable, details on how the questionnaire is scored, and what a higher or lower score means.
• You need to have as much detail here as I required for the Lab 1 and Lab 2 manuscripts. This is where you are going to show me that you have really looked into the details of your proposal. If you are using a questionnaire, you much include all the required information (so you will need to look up how to score the questionnaire and what the score means).
• Include any suggested questionnaire as an attachment at the end of your paper.
• Do not include any procedure in this section.
Statistical analysis:
• What program will be used
• What statistics were run (separate sentence for each analysis) (you might only have one analysis, that is okay)
• Include IV, levels, and DV (for experimental study)
• What alpha will be set at
• No results in this section
Expected Results:
• You will only have one paragraph for the expected results of your inferential statistics
o This section will be short, just a few sentences, but there is some critical information that must be included.
▪ Although you are not giving me statistical results, you must state which groups are expected to be significantly different from which other groups. For example, if you have three levels of your IV (A, B, and C) then you have to tell me if A and B will be significantly different, if A and C will be significantly different, and if B and C will be significantly different. 
▪ You must state the direction of the effect (do you expect that your DV will be higher or lower).
▪ You must state what this means, in general terms.
• 1st paragraph: Overview of expected results
• 2nd paragraph: How this fits in with background literature
o No new citations
o Will likely want to cite articles from intro
o Do not just restate the background info, focus on how these results fit it to background info. Do the current results match what was previously found or do they go against what was previously found? 
• 3rd paragraph: Limitations
o Shoot for about two limitations
o What is the limitation
o Why is it a limitation
o How could it be fixed in a future experiment
o What would fixing it potentially change about the current results
o -This is the section that is most challenging for students. It will take thought. If fixing the limitation will not change the results, then it isn’t a limitation
• 4th paragraph: future research in this area
o End this paragraph with an overall conclusion sentence about the most important takeaway from the manuscript 
Reference page:
• All references must be cited in the body of the paper.
• References are listed in alphabetical order of first author’s last name.
• Use APA reference formatting. This must be accurate down to the placement of periods and commas.
• Any questionnaires that you have suggested using must be included as attachments at the end of the paper.

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