Category: Alcoholism

  • The Impact of Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings on Recovery from Alcoholism

    The Impact of Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings on Recovery from Alcoholism Attending an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting The self-help group that I decided to go to was an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. I decided to go to this type of meeting because I have people in my extended family who struggle with alcoholism, and I wanted to learn…

  • Exploring Treatment Approaches for Alcoholism: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

    Exploring Treatment Approaches for Alcoholism: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Alcoholism and the Need for Support Many people suffer from alcoholism, but sometimes, they do not choose to reach out. Instead, they try to remain sober alone. Unfortunately, this does not help the addict move forward in any way. In Jeannette Walls’s memoir, she learns that an alcohol…

  • Alcoholism: Impact on Health, Family, and Well-being

    Alcoholism: Impact on Health, Family, and Well-being The Underlying Devastation of Alcoholism Around 88,400 people die each year due to alcohol-related causes in the United States alone. An alcoholic drink contains ethanol; it is a colorless, flammable liquid that is produced by the natural fermentation of various types of sugar. Alcohol is a depressant drug…

  • Exploring Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms, and Consequences

    Exploring Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms, and Consequences Introduction: Alcoholism is a prevalent disease that occurs around the world and comes with a price to pay. It is the repetitive pattern of misusing alcohol as an antidepressant and creating habits of drinking tolerance and withdrawals. More so, it is the act of being considered an alcoholic; however,…

  • Exploring the Unveiled Reality: Alcoholism in Iron Man Comics

    Exploring the Unveiled Reality: Alcoholism in Iron Man Comics When you think about your day-to-day activity, for example, a simple dinner at a restaurant, how many people do you notice enjoying alcohol to take off the edge? Do you ever stop to think how many drinks someone has had? Our society is so used to…