Please answer the discussion with one paragraph and answer two of my classmates

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Please answer the discussion with one paragraph and answer two of my classmates

Please answer the discussion with one paragraph and answer two of my classmates with one paragraph each.
My Discussion:
Drawing on the quick guide to isms and phobias (click the link: ), the course readings or class discussions,  provide examples from your own life (or observations) where intersectionality played a role in shaping your experiences or perspective. Support your interpretation of the situation experienced or observed with direct reference to course materials using APA in-text citations. 
Response to Student 1:
Intersectionality theory is a framework that recognizes and examines how various social identities, such as race, gender, class, sexuality, and disability, intersect and interact with each other, leading to unique experiences of privilege and oppression. Here are some key takeaways about intersectionality theory. Multiple Identities: Intersectionality acknowledges that individuals possess multiple social identities that cannot be considered independently but instead intersect and influence one another. For example, a Black woman may experience discrimination differently from a White woman or a Black man due to the combined effects of racism and sexism. Intersecting Systems of Power: Intersectionality recognizes that different systems of power, such as racism, sexism, ableism, and classism, intersect and compound to shape individuals’ experiences. It emphasizes that systems of oppression are interconnected and cannot be understood in isolation. Complex Experiences: Intersectionality highlights the complexity of individuals’ experiences by considering the interactions between various social identities and the resulting unique challenges faced by marginalized groups. It recognizes that experiences of privilege and oppression are not uniform but are shaped by the intersections of identities. Activism and Social Change: Intersectionality theory has been influential in fostering inclusive activism and social change. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing the intersecting forms of discrimination and oppression faced by marginalized groups, promoting a more nuanced understanding of social justice.
One criticism of intersectionality theory is that its application can sometimes lead to divisions and conflicts within social justice movements. Intersectionality theory highlights the diversity of experiences within marginalized groups, but it does not provide a clear roadmap for effectively addressing the conflicts and tensions that can arise between different groups. This can sometimes result in fragmentation and a lack of cohesion within activist movements, as different groups may prioritize their specific concerns over collective action. Some critics argue that intersectionality theory, if not carefully navigated, can inadvertently undermine solidarity and hinder progress toward broader social change.
Response to student 2:
Intersectionality theory, curated by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in the late 1980s, highlights how various social identities intersect to create an individuals’ experiences towards the access of power and privilege within society. These identities include factors like class, sexuality, colorism, socioeconomic status, race, gender, disabilities, and more. Intersectionality highlights the interplay between these identities, illustrating how they intersect to mold individuals’ lived experiences and influence their placement within societal structures of power and privilege. The complexities of race, colorism, and gender manifest significant challenges within our society. For instance, as highlighted in the provided video (Intersectionality 101, 2018), individuals who are both genders and people of color; the female often encounters a dualled difficulty stemming from their race and gender.
This reminded me of a personal experience when I worked as a receptionist in a predominantly white medical office. Despite being the only coworker of Indian descent among an all-white team, I possessed the most receptionist experience and dedicated considerable time to my work to meet my needs. When a position opened in a branch office offering higher pay, located in a safer neighborhood but had a stricter and heavier workload, I applied. However, my coworker, who had just started the job, lacked receptionist experience, could only work part-time, and was a white woman, also applied. Surprisingly, the job was given to her. When I questioned my white boss about this decision, he justified it by suggesting I would be better suited to the other office’s neighborhood due to its patient Black, Hispanic, and Asian demographic. I felt as if my experience of intersectionality showed that a white man based my skin color on where I should work rather than skill and experience.

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